We are a not for profit right to work advocacy association representing       privately owned waste and recycling haulers and processors throughout the State of Florida

Our History

The Dade Waste Haulers Council, Inc., D/B/A Florida Waste Haulers & Recyclers Coalition, is a registered non-profit State of Flordia corporation established in 1992.

Throughout our history, the Board of Directors and our members along with our General Counsel have successfully

lobbied numerous municipalities, to keep a non-monopolistic free open market place, and have influenced public legislation resulting in non-exclusive solid waste franchises.

Our Members

Our members are typically small, privately owned and independent solid waste commercial haulers, construction and demolition (C&D) haulers, and recyclers, collectively referred to as “commercial haulers”, whose objective is to operate their solid waste management and recycling businesses in a free, competitive and open market place.


Our members customers include, industrial, commercial, and multiple family private accounts.


Associate membership is also available to companies that provide industry related goods and services to our membership at preferential rates.



Join Us

The Board of Directors and Membership meet regularly on a monthly basis throughout the calendar year. From time to time special meetings are convened whenever issues or public events of concern to the Industry and our members arise.

Our agenda is open to all topics of interest to the members and invited guests.

We invite you to join us as at the next general membership meeting, please click on the link below to be added to our email distribution list

Your participation will be appreciated and is encouraged.

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© Florida Waste Haulers & Recyclers Coalition